March 2022
Airbase Campaign
Project Overview
Kate was hired on as the in-house art director to bring home the big brand campaign after the design agency came up with the brand concept.
This included developments of a brand anthem video, HTML5 ads, static ad, a full website redesign and illustration of the brand icons.

Creating the HTML5 ads
After the campaign concept was created, we needed to create a series of ads, both static and animated, for the google display network, industry placements, and more.
We could easily create the static ads in house, but for the animated ads we created storyboards and hired on a contractor to animate and code.
After these ads went live we ran tests to see which performed best.
Designing the website
Once we had the visual concept nailed down, we needed to make the campaign look and feel cohesive to the user. With the website in the old brand, we had a big task ahead of us before we could launch.
With the launch deadline approaching, we needed to make this transition fast. We quickly updated the landing pages and key pages on the website to feel harmonous with the campaign, knowing that we we’re going to do a bigger website overhaul once we had a bit more time. We made some quick changes to the stylesheet, background images, icons and illustraion and launched with our bandaid solution.
Then, it was time to do it right. We knew we needed to move away from Webflow due some restrictions, and decided to do a full CMS migration to WordPress using the Divi builder. Kate got straight to work designing everypage and establishing and devoloping the new style, componentizing elements, and making design decisions on how the brand would be expressed in different scenarios.
We hired a development firm to handle the build of the website.

Brand Anthem Video
Last but certainly not least, we needed to create the brand anthem video for our homepage alongside the design agency that developed the concept. We worked together with them on story boards, voiceover artists, and music choices.